
Thursday, January 5, 2017

2016 out!

As 2017 is already well in motion, we hope that everyone had a very happy and safe Christmas and New Years. The three of us spent the holiday season bundled up in front of the fireplace with my family in Wisconsin. We had a semi-white Christmas (snow in the process of melting), with blue skies and mild temperatures. We rang in the New Year with a bonfire and dinner at some friends farm. We cheated at tiny bit and celebrated Irish new year at 6 pm our time. Currently though it’s raining/sleeting. And freezing. So the roads and sidewalks are slick and dangerous. Give me snow anyday! 

2016 was not such a productive sailing year for us but we did accomplish a few other things. You know, like having a baby. As our almost 7 month old is ALREADY mobile, we are having to move up our plans for babyproofing the boat. Attaching lifeline netting is priority numero uno when we get back to the boat. 

We still aren’t sure exactly where 2017 will take us yet - we are open to suggestions! - but look forward to seeing our beautiful world anew through baby’s eyes! 


  1. A to B to... Baby!! Congratulations on the big 2016 and wishing you a wonderful 2017!

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR A2B2SEA!!! Can't wait to see what adventures await!

  3. If you could plan to be sailing around the Caribbean next northern hemisphere winter, we'll come and visit, and Thank you!

  4. Congratulations on your baby! It sounds like you'll all be having a fantastic 2017 full of adventures!
